Landrum Methodist Church - Landrum, SC
Music Ministry
Spiritual Growth
Outreach and Missions
Announcement Archive
Announcment Page
Congratulations on Confirmation!
Sunday Sermons are posted on our website and facebook page
What Do You Talk About? 12/27/2020 Sermon
All You Need is Love? 12/20/2020 Sermon
What is Joy? 12/13/2020 Sermon
Hoping for Peace 12/6/2020 Sermon
Whatcha Hoping For? 11/29/2020 Sermon
Written All Over Your Faith 11/22/2020 Sermon
Keeping A Straight Faith 11/15/2020 Sermon
Honoring All Who Served Veteran's Day 11/8/2020 Sermon
Can You Hear Him? 11/01/2020 Sermon
It Eats You Alive! 10/25/2020 Sermon
Reflections 10/18/2020 Sermon
Parts is Parts 10/11/2020 Sermon
The Walking Dead 10/4/2020 Sermon
Why God? 3/22/2020 Sermon
Do You See the Whole Picture? 3/29/2020 Sermon
Coronavirus Update 3/30/2020 Announcement
It's Called Worship 4/5/2020 Palm Sunday Sermon
Go Tell Somebody 4/12/2020 Easter Sunday Sermon
What do we do now? 4/19/2020 Sermon
Just Stop! 4/26/2020 Sermon
Hey! Do You See Me? 5/3/2020 Sermon
Are We? 5/10/2020 Mother's Day Sermon
The Church is Closed 5/17/2020 Sermon
Let's Get Our Feet Wet! 5/24/2020 Memorial Day and Graduation Recognition Sermon
What's Pentecost? 5/31/2020 Pentecost Sermon
Make a U-Turn 6/7/2020 Sermon
What are You Craving? 6/14/2020 Sermon
Just an Example? 6/21/202 Father's Day Sermon
Joshua Faith 6/28/2020 Sermon
Independence from What? 7/5/2020 Sermon
Bend Don't Break 7/12/2020 Sermon
Just Ride the Wave! 7/19/2020 Sermon
Fall Protection Required! 7/26/2020 Sermon
Built for Endurance 8/2/2020 Sermon
What Would You Do? 8/9/2020 Sermon
Put Me in Coach 8/16/2020 Sermon
Humble Bumble 8/23/2020 Sermon
Confirmation 2020 8/30/2020 Sermon
What's the Hurry? 9/6/2020 Sermon
Give It Up! 9/13/2020 Sermon
To Be or Not To Be 9/20/2020 Sermon
Is It Enough? 9/27/2020 Sermon
Music Ministry
Spiritual Growth
Outreach and Missions